This post will go all the way back to the summer of 2010, back when I was working in Windsor, Ontario, tracking and studying Butler's Garternsakes and Eastern Foxsnakes on some lands adjacent to Ojibway Prairie.
I originally posted this to, a community for field herpers around the world that I was quite active on between 2007 and 2010. Unfortunately the site crashed in early June 2010, causing all of the previous posts to be deleted. I had posted dozens of herping trip reports over the years so it was a little disheartening to see them all disappear! At least I still had all my photos.
This summer has been a really busy one for me as I have been putting in 60-80 hours a week down near the Ontario/Michigan border studying Butler's Garter Snakes. However I do have my weekends off, and since Laura is in Nova Scotia for most of the summer I have been spending every weekend herping or birding. The month of May was a write-off herp-wise as I was birding every spare moment, but once June hit I shifted my focus, dusted off the camera and macro lens, and went out in pursuit of some herps.
The weekend of June 5/6 was spent on Georgian Bay Islands National Park completing some herp surveying for the national park. It was a total blast, and we found most of the species known from the island.
herping - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
I was pretty happy to find an Eastern Hognose 20 minutes after arriving on the island. They can be moderately common along the shoreline in rocky habitats.
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Herping - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Dan looking for turtles - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Cool-looking millipede!
One of the guys turned up a Ring-necked Snake before long.
Northern Ring-necked Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
It did not take my good friend Dav very long to find the first 'sauga. If there is one in the area, he will ALWAYS find it. One of 9 Eastern Massasaugas seen on the weekend.
Eastern Massasauga - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Eastern Massasauga - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Dan still surveying for turtles...
Turtlin' - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
His persistence payed off and he found a Stinkpot (Common Musk Turtle)! I was not around for that one so I photographed one that Dav discovered the next day.
Common Musk Turtle - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
This Northern Watersnake along the shoreline allowed my close approach. This is a photo of its good side - it was actually missing its left eye.
Northern Watersnake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
I kind of like
Nerodia, despite their tempers and willingness to bite/defecate when captured!
Northern Watersnake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Another Eastern Hog-nosed Snake. Dav got sick of saugas so he found some hoggies.
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
On this particular island, Hog-nosed Snakes and Massasaugas can be found in the same habitat. They seem to prefer stands of juniper bushes surrounding rock piles with lots of dead brush, surrounded by open rock and in close proximity to the shoreline.
Eastern Massasauga - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Eastern Massasauga - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
I finally got around to photographing a Midland Painted Turtle - the most common turtle in Ontario, but one I have just never bothered to try to photograph.
Midland Painted Turtle - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
We found a few amphibians too on the trip. Nothing noteworthy though.
Eastern Red-backed Salamander - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
I flipped a few rocks the next morning, turning up a variety of herps including a nice Ring-necked Snake.
Northern Ring-necked Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Northern Ring-necked Snake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
And a little Dekay's Brownsnake.
Dekay's Brownsnake - Georgian Bay Islands NP |
Until next year.
The following weekend saw me up at my favorite Massasauga spot with a few herpers - Dav Nemeth-Fekete and Dan Riley.. The highlight for me was stumbling upon a Northern Ribbon Snake consuming a Green Frog, something I had certainly never seen before!
Northern Ribbonsnake consuming Green Frog - Muskoka District |
We found a nice Eastern Milksnake in some open habitat - they seem to show up everywhere for me.
Eastern Milksnake - Muskoka District |
Dav finally got his first good look at Mink Frog after we heard some clucking away. Managed to get somewhat close to this one for photos...
Mink Frog - Muskoka District |
And of course, quite a few saugas were found. I never get tired of this species!
Eastern Massasauga - Muskoka District |
Just last weekend, Nick Scobel came up from Michigan and we herped along the Bruce Peninsula, a location which I try to visit at least once a year to look for snakes. Unfortunately, there were hoards of sunburnt tourists present on the peninsula, but fortunately they congregated in the few beaches in the area, leaving the pristine alvar habitats to Nick and I.
We paused for a moment to photograph this Northern Leopard Frog along the shoreline.
Northern Leopard Frog - Bruce Peninsula |
Northern Leopard Frog - Bruce Peninsula |
It did not take long before I found the first of 3 Eastern Massasaugas on the day - this one coiled up in some brush along the edge of a fen.
Eastern Massasauga - Bruce Peninsula |
Eastern Massasauga - Bruce Peninsula |
We explored an old foundation later in the day, adding a few more species to the trip list.
Eastern Gartersnake - Bruce Peninsula |
This Eastern Milksnake was very opaque as it would be shedding its skin in the near future...but the wonders of photoshop got rid of that nicely. Still, it was not the prettiest Eastern Milksnake I had seen.
Eastern Milksnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Northern Ring-necked Snake - Bruce Peninsula |
A hike into another alvar turned up nothing except a little American Toad.
American Toad - Bruce Peninsula |
The rest of the afternoon, we went for a drive to search for places that looked like decent habitat. Exploring a few openings in the forest, we found two more Eastern Massasaugas as well as some Smooth Greensnakes. By late afternoon we were back in the first area from earlier that morning, and we had a bit of luck finding some cool animals.
Smooth Greensnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Smooth Greensnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Wood Lily - Bruce Peninsula |
Northern Ribbon Snake
Northern Ribbonsnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Nick with a Smooth Greensnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Smooth Greensnake ended up being the most common snake species of the day. I was pretty stoked, as it had been over a year since I had last found one.
Smooth Greensnake - Bruce Peninsula |
Smooth Greensnake - Bruce Peninsula |
And finally, a Brown Snake to finish off the day. We ended up finding 9 out of the 10 snake species found on the peninsula, the only one we missed being Queen Snake (known from only a couple of specimens).
Dekay's Brownsnake - Bruce Peninsula |