Thursday 1 September 2011

Bay of fundy "pelagic"

I'll make it a quick post because I am using my phone - full report with photos will follow later!

Laura and I booked onto a whale- watching tour out of Brier Island this afternoon. This morning we briefly explored the northern part of the island, seeing a few various songbirds including Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.
The boat trip out was a success as we got to see up-close (within 10 feet) views of a mother and calf humpback whale, as well as other Cetaceans.
I was more interested in the seabird side of things and we weren't disappointed. Highlights:
~10,000 phalaropes, mostly Red
-100 Great Shearwaters
-2 Sooty Shearwaters
-1 Northern Fulmar (one of my top targets)
-60 Wilson's Storm-petrels
-7 Atlantic Puffins
-50 Black Guillemots
-1 Pomarine Jaeger
-2 Great Cormorants

Red Phalarope, Sooty Shearwater, W. Storm-petrel, and N. Fulmar were all lifers as I had never done any east coast seabirding before. Photos and a better write-up to come soon!

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