Friday 10 May 2013

Pelee for the weekend

In a few minutes I'll be leaving Schomberg and making the long drive to Point Pelee for the weekend. Apparently lots of migrants have shown up around Lake Erie today, so I'm betting that the weekend will be pretty decent, despite the cool temps. It will also be my last chance to do any non work related birding for quite some time, as the next few months will be insanely busy with bird surveys throughout Ontario (mostly in the semi-north).

It appears that the Black-necked Stilts haven't been reported yesterday or today, unfortunately. It certainly feels like I am the only person in Ontario yet to see one here after reading all the reports of the stilts all week. However, they appear to be pushing northward pretty strongly. At least a dozen have been reported in recent days in northern Ohio, and it is my hope that another one will show up in Ontario!

Anyways, here is a Bonaparte's Gull from May 3rd at Pelee.

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