Over the Labour Day weekend Laura and I ventured down to Essex County in the far southwestern corner of our province. The plan for the weekend was two-fold (well OK, three-fold). First, we wanted to catch up with several friends that reside in that part of the province as it had been much too long since we had seen some of them. Second, we wanted to get a little bit of hiking and exploring in. And third, I was hoping to catch up with the long-staying Purple Gallinule that was summering near Kingsville.
Laura had to work on Saturday but by mid-afternoon my car was making good time on the QEW. Almost four hours later we pulled into the parking lot at the John R. Park homestead, the location where the gallinule had been seen. That evening we would be spending the night with a good friend of ours from university who lives in Amherstburg, and the gallinule was conveniently located only a fifteen minute drive from Amherstburg.
A band of heavy thunderstorms passed through just before our arrival in Kingsville. The Purple Gallinule was almost too easy as after a fifteen minute vigil it popped out of the vegetation!
Purple Gallinule - Kingsville, ON |
Purple Gallinule is very rare in Ontario, with only 20 accepted records prior to 2018. The majority of records pertain to juvenile birds which are more prone to fly off course during the autumn, while most spring records are of adults. I had seen one Purple Gallinule in Ontario (
the juvenile that was at Port Weller in October, 2011), but it was a new one for Laura. We enjoyed watching the bird plucking snails out of the muddy edge of the wetland before ducking back into the dense vegetation.
The following day we slept in and hung out some more in Amherstburg, then visited a friend in Leamington. It was past 12 PM when we finally entered the park and the temperatures had soared above 30 degrees Celsius with high humidity but also a strong breeze. During the heat of the day we enjoyed a few hours on the beach with the Renaud family. Later in the afternoon we rented a canoe from the Marsh Boardwalk store to paddle in the marsh.
Paddling in the Point Pelee Marsh |
Kory Renaud had found a Marbled Godwit and Willet in the marsh earlier in the day so of course we were hoping to cross path with them. Shorebirds in the marsh are often quite confiding when one approaches them by boat, making it very easy to obtain amazing photos. Unfortunately for us, both the Marbled Godwit and Willet were quite skittish. The godwit was only seen in flight over the marsh for about five seconds, while the Willet also was only seen in flight, high in the sky. We would have likely missed the Willet if it was not calling.
high-flying Willet - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
But while the big dudes played hard to get, at least some of the smaller shorebirds cooperated nicely. Watching and listening to a group of juvenile Short-billed Dowitchers was a big highlight for us, as they carried on with their business despite our canoe resting on the mudflat just meters from them. Semipalmated Plovers were also very tame and were perhaps the highlight for Laura.
Semipalmated Plover - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Short-billed Dowitcher - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Semipalmated Sandpiper - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Of course there is so much life in the Point Pelee marsh beyond the birds. I find that Common Map Turtles are the most frequently encountered turtle in the marsh and it was no different this time. A relatively young one provided an excellent photo subject.
Northern Map Turtle - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Damselflies were downright abundant, with the majority being Eastern Forktails. I kept an eye out for Lilypad Forktail as the only known population in Canada resides in the Point Pelee marsh but it was not to be. Orange Bluets were another one of the common species.
Orange Bluet - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
A young Bald Eagle was seen on several occasions, even sharing a mudflat with some of the smaller shorebirds. I guess they realized that the eagle's reflexes were not quick enough to grab them at such a short distance, or perhaps they figured that the eagle would not bother with them. Eventually the eagle took to the air and flew right over our heads.
Bald Eagle - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
That evening, Jeremy Bensette was kind enough to set up his moth sheet for us, while we also paid a visit to Mike Matheson's sheet later on. Moths have become a big interest for Laura and I but unfortunately our house in Niagara Falls is not conducive to setting up a sheet. Experiences like this are my few chances to do intensive moth study so I try to take advantage whenever I am in the Point Pelee area. Below are a few of the species, lepidopteran or otherwise, from Sunday evening.
Saddled Leafhopper - Leamington, ON |
Rufous-banded Crambid Moth - Leamington, ON |
Chickweed Geometer - Leamington, ON |
Wavy-lined Emerald - Leamington, ON |
I believe the species below is a Texas Mocis, which is a rare immigrant from the southern United States that sometimes appears far to the north in the autumn.
Texas Mocis - Leamington, ON |
Red-banded Leafhopper - Leamington, ON |
American Lotus Borer Moth - Leamington, ON |
Salt Marsh Moth - Leamington, ON |
Neotibicen species - Leamington, ON |
Tomato Looper - Leamington, ON |
Lunate Zale - Leamington, ON |
Bristly Cutworm Moth - Leamington, ON |
European Mantis - Leamington, ON |
Robust Conehead - Leamington, ON |
Unspotted Looper - Leamington, ON |
Enicospilus purgatus - Leamington, ON |
Carolina Sphinx - Leamington, ON |
This was easily a highlight at Mike's moth sheet. A Northern Mole Cricket, the first I had ever seen. It was incredible how quickly it was able to bury into the dirt, propelling itself with its massive forelimbs.
Northern Mole Cricket - Leamington, ON |
Northern Mole Cricket - Leamington, ON |
Curve-lined Angle - Leamington, ON |
Salt Marsh Moth - Leamington, ON |
Stalk Borer Moth - Leamington, ON |
Greater Anglewing - Leamington, ON |
Dark-spotted Pathis - Leamington, ON |
Clover Hayworm Moth - Leamington, ON |
Soybean Looper - Leamington, ON |
The following morning Laura and I headed back into Point Pelee National Park for a nice hike before heading back to Niagara. Again, the day was hot and sticky which really put a damper on bird activity. We still had a great time with numerous sightings, including one particularly exciting find.
Recently I have started to pay more attention to damselflies. This one is a Fragile Forktail - not a particularly uncommon one, but the first one that I have photographed. They shone like jewels as they flew in and out of sunny patches along the Shuster Trail.
Fragile Forktail - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Azure taxonomy is in a state of flux right now, so I will leave this one as
Celastrina sp. for now!
Azure (Celastrina) species - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Hackberry Emperor is primarily a Carolinian species in Ontario, due to the preference of the larvae for feeding on, you guessed it, Common Hackberry. That just happens to be the most abundant tree at Point Pelee, and despite the high temperatures, we managed to find a couple of Hackberry Emperors. If a butterfly lands on you at Point Pelee, it is most likely a member of this species.
Hackberry Emperor - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Of course the biggest highlight as I have detailed in a previous post was the larval Curve-lined Owlet, a new species for Canada, that Laura spotted as it fed on Greenbrier.
Curve-lined Owlet - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
Speaking of Laura's sharp eyes, she also picked out this Eastern Gartersnake quietly basking in a brush pile. There is a reason I keep that girl around! :)
Eastern Gartersnake - Point Pelee National Park, ON |
It was a great weekend in a part of the province that I have not visited as often as I would like recently.