Wednesday 2 October 2019

Moths of Mindo

During last weekend's jaunt to Mindo, Laura and I were eager to set up the moth sheet to see what might drop in. I have had very good success with the LED light back home in Ontario on a number of occasions and so I was pretty excited to see what the light would pull in, in someplace more tropical. I think Laura might have been getting a little sick of me expressing how excited I was to set up the moth sheet, in the days leading up to the weekend!

Without further ado, here are some moths and other insects from our two nights in Mindo. As expected, the mothing was a little mind-blowing and it will take me many hours of research to identify the bounty. I'll keep the text short in this post and just post the photos. Note that the vast majority of them I have not identified yet, but they are all up on iNaturalist and I will chip away at them over the next few months. When I find the time, I will caption the ones that I have identified. Without further ado!

I'll start with some photos of "non-moths", with the moth photos following these.

And now for the moths. I have whittled it down to what I thought were some of the more interesting ones.

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