Tuesday 24 July 2012

Rarity round up

I have about 5 days remaining before I leave for my trip to James Bay and suddenly, rarities are starting to show up in Ontario! Yesterday, Rick Lauzon found a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at the Tam O'Shanter Golf Course in Scarborough. That evening, Chip Wesoloh and Kory Renaud found a Little Blue Heron coming in to roost at Amherstburg.

Little Blue Heron from Florida - February 17, 2009

Both these birds I have never seen in Ontario, let alone this year! I have them both listed as Code 4 species (rarities that I don't expect to see this year). What is my plan of attack?

This evening Laura and I have tickets for the Jays game in Toronto, so we're going to leave a bit early and check for the Yellow-crowned Nigh-Heron in Scarborough. Then, if the Little Blue Heron is seen again, I may race down to be for sunrise tomorrow. We'll see!

July is obviously slow for rarities, but stuff has certainly been happening lately. Click on the links to see photos of the species mentioned...

-Fork-tailed Flycatcher in Nova Scotia
-Little Stint and Bar-tailed Godwit in Massachusetts
-Black-tailed Godwit in Delaware
-Black-bellied Whistling Ducks in New Jersey
-1 of 3 Ruffs that are present at Jamaica Bay in New York
-Black-billed Magpie on Manitou Island in Michigan

Rare herons have started their "post-breeding dispersal", with a WHITE IBIS showing up at Point Mouille, along with Cattle and Snowy Egrets. Little Blue Herons have also been seen recently in Ohio, so perhaps a bigger than usual post-breeding dispersal will occur and Ontario will see a good number of these southern herons!


Tyler said...

Little Blue Herons, Cattle Egrets and Snowy Egrets all breed on Lake Erie within sight of Ontario. They just do not have their passport or nexus cards. That and maybe they do not like Harper's environmental plans.

Alan Wormington said...

Josh, if you try for the Little Blue Heron, also check out the marsh complex immediately to the east of Holiday Beach --- can't remember the name but it should be the first laneway going east from Holiday Beach entrance. It is a huge marsh complex and often is teeming with herons. Its a laneway going into a cottage area. Private area, but birders are welcome. Heck, maybe I'll look myself later this week!

Unknown said...

Alan - I think you're talking about Lake Erie Country Club. The other night it was full of great blues, egrets and night herons. Definitely a great spot!

Fred said...

I have seen a Snowy Egret at the end of Erie Shores.