Tuesday 9 October 2012

Last of the Moosonee photos

Here are the remaining miscellaneous photos from the north. Kicking it off is an American Pipit from the Moosonee lagoons. It was a new photographed bird for the year, and along with Winter Wren, Rusty Blackbird, and American Tree Sparrow, I am now up to 279 photographed for the year! 300 is in sight...

American Pipit - Moosonee sewage lagoons

Both on the way up and on the way back from Moosonee, we checked out several dam systems including Abitibi. These large open areas contained a lot of great habitat, though we didn't find anything too rare. Here's Alan looking at something interesting:

Windblown Savannah Sparrow from Abitibi:

Savannah Sparrow - Abitibi dam

Shorebirds were fairy sparse on the trip. We had some Killdeer and a Black-bellied Plover on Lake Timiskaming, some American Golden-Plovers, a single White-rumped, and some Pectoral Sandpipers along the Moose River, and various yellowlegs scattered here and there. A group of "yelling"legs, mostly containing Greaters provided the soundtrack for our time at the Moosonee lagoons.

juvenile Greater Yellowlegs - Moosonee sewage lagoons

A juvenile Red-necked Phalarope was also at the Moosonee lagoons on our first day. It is getting rather late up there for Red-necked and I was hoping that it was the more desirable Red Phalarope, but that was not to be!

Merlins are a common feature anywhere in boreal Ontario.

Merlin - Moosonee sewage lagoons

One day, I was walking an overgrown baseball diamond in the north end of Moosonee when I flushed a Nelson's Sparrow. While common breeders on the coast, they aren't seen as often in town. Alan got some really great photos of it and this is the best I could do.

Nelson's Sparrow - Moosonee

Water-taxi on the Moose River...

Some Common Goldeneyes at the Moosonee lagoons:

Common Goldeneyes - Moosonee sewage lagoons

And to close, my first of autumn Northern Shrike that I found hunting tree sparrows along the railway tracks on afternoon.

Northern Shrike - Moosonee

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