Sunday 20 October 2019


Laura and I have arrived in Bogotá! We will be returning to Ecuador in early November and will stay there until the end of the year, but in the meantime we have a quick two week diversion to southern Colombia.

For the next couple of weeks we will be on a scouting trip for Quest Nature Tours, visiting some incredible areas located in the southern part of the country. Southern Colombia not seen a lot of ecotourism in recent years, but the areas are safe and the diversity of landscapes, flora and fauna is incredible. We are very excited to check it out!

The tour will cover a variety of ecosystems, including Amazonian foothills, Andean cloud-forest, páramo, and Chocó lowlands. We will have a chance to cross paths with many iconic and rare bird species, including Masked Mountain-Tanager, Chestnut-bellied Cotinga, Hooded Antpitta, White-rimmed Brushfinch, Black and Berlepsch's Tinamous,  Baudo Guan, Brown Wood-Rail and many many others. Not to mention the chance at Jaguar and Spectacled Bear, as well as hopefully a nice variety of herps and insects.

I will try to update the blog when opportunities arise, though I imagine that may have to wait until after the tour since we will have lots to keep us occupied over the next two weeks.

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