Wednesday 28 November 2012

Some media links

Since breaking the Ontario "big year" record back on October 29th along the coast of James Bay, I have had a few media requests. Here is a link to an interview I did with CTV a week or two ago.

Several more articles are in the works and I'll post links to them when they become available.

Additionally, tonight (November 28, 2012)  I will be on the daily science news show "Daily Planet", talking about my Ontario birding "big year". It airs at 7:00 PM on Discovery Channel Canada. Check it out!! If you do not get Discovery Channel Canada, the episode can be viewed after it airs at the following link:


Alan Wormington said...


dwaynejava said...

Josh, that is awesome!

dwaynejava said...

Nice Eared Grebe photo. I lifered that in April when Kory and I were at the 42nd parallel sign and read your ontbirds post. Again congrats!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dwayne! Yeah that was an awesome look at the EAGR this past April at the tip and I'm glad it stuck around for everyone. A bird I seem to have way too much luck with! (I think I've found 8 in the last 4 years)

Jeremy Hatt said...

The CTV article is very well-written and summarizes the year quite well. You should sign up to Twitter and get #joshvandermeulen trending lol.

mo pie said...

Finally got my Internet to show me the Daily Planet video, and you did great! Was fun to hear you talk about your Big Year. :)